Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buddhism an Overview

The story of the Buddhism is of one mans journey to enlightenment, as well as the teachings and ways of learning that developed from it. Buddha translates to awake or to awaken. Siddhartha Gautama was born into a royal family in present day Nepal. Because he was born into a royal family he didn’t have to deal with suffering dieses and death. When Siddhartha was a grown man with a child he decided to go out side of his royal palace, out side the palace or enclosure he saw and old man a sick man and dead man. These things disturbed Siddhartha greatly. He found out that old age and death were inevitable; it was fate.
Siddhartha had also seen a holy man, a monk, he thought that this was a sign for him. So he left his life of luxury and became a Samana. Siddhartha studied religious men learned more of the worlds suffering, but he didn’t get any closer to enlightenment. After this failed He sought the path of extreme self denial. Although that had failed too. Siddhartha gave up on being a Samana, but instead of going home to his life oh riches and luxury. Siddhartha chose the middle way; it’s exactly what it sounds like. He chose to have what he needed to live but not in excess, it’s not luxury and yet its not poverty. One day while Siddhartha meditating under a Bodhi tree he found enlightenment. Siddhartha then decided to teach people about what he knew about enlightenment and how to achieve it. The Buddha set in motion the wheel of teaching. He focused on not worshiping one god or the gods but the importance of teaching and dharma. During the Buddha’s life time he had many disciples, most reached enlightenment through his teachings. 

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