Sunday, October 10, 2010

Korean Zen Buddhism Vs. Mahayana Buddhism


Losar is the Tibetan New Year, it is the most important celebration in the Tibetan calendar. It is celebrated in February although the exact date changes due to the fact that it runs off the lunar calendar. Losar is a 3 day or 3 part festival. The first day is spend celebrating with family. The second and third day, are for sharing gifts with friends and meeting distant relatives. As well as visit monasteries and make offerings. Through out the holiday there are many activities that symbolism a new beginning and purification. Special food is made, people wear new clothes even buildings and houses are washed.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Dalai Lama

 The dalai lama is the highest monk in Tibetan Buddhism, usually the dalai lama is responsible for the government of Tibet, but in recent times the Chinese took over Tibet so the dalai lama is no longer in charge. The dalai lama is part of the Gelugpa tradition which s the most influential tradition in Tibet. There have only been 14 dalai lamas in the history of Buddhism. The current dalai lama’s name is Tenzin Gyatso. Once the death oh the dalai lama has occurred it is the responsibility of the high lama’s to find the new dalai lama. This can happen in several different ways.
-      Dream
o   A high lama can have a dream about an identifying marker on or around the new dalai lama
-      Smoke
o   If the last dalai lama has been cremated the high lamas will watch were the smoke goes and search after that.
-      Oracle lake
o   The high lamas will go to a lake in Tibet, Lhamo Lhatso, they will look for a sign from the lake.
Once the child or possible reincarnation has been found the high lamas present several items a few of which belonged to the previous dalai lama if the child chooses the right items that child is the new dalai lama.

The Dalai lama is a symbol for Buddhism and is very important to all of its followers. He is a symbol for what they strive for, enlightenment.


            In Theravada Buddhism the exchange of gifts is highly encouraged, most will give gifts to Buddhist monks. But giving gifts in general is encouraged as well. In the kind of Buddhism monks are believed to embody the key aspects of Buddhism. Giving gifts to monks is supposed to give the people merit. After the Buddha died four main points for pilgrimage showed up of where the Buddha lived. Since then there have been places of pilgrimage nearly everywhere that Buddhism has been established. The pilgrimage is supposed to promote spiritual devotion or to just travel. Pilgrimage also helps to create relationships with historical sites in Buddhism.

Buddhist Worship

            A Buddhist can worship in the home or in a temple there is no requirement to be in a temple to worship. If a Buddhist worships at home they will usually have an entire room or part of a room dedicated to worship or as a shrine. Buddhist temples come in many shapes and size one of the most popular is the stupa. Most buddhist temples are designed to exemplify the five elements.

              Earth, symbolised by the square base
              Wisdom, symbolised by the pinnacle at the top of the stupa

Mantras and prayers
            One of the most popular prayers or mantras is om mani padme hum. it is written on prayer flags, it is said that each time the flag moves with the wind the prayer is recited. There are also prayer wheels which have the same prayer on them. Buddhist can spin the wheels and each time the wheel is spinned the prayer is recited.

The fact that Buddhist can pray in their homes is important because they can pray whenever they want, in the home or in the temple. The prayer wheels help because Buddhist can spin the in passing and pray.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Sacred Mandala

The sacred mandala is one of the most amazing visual representations in Buddhism, the Mandala is a representation of the Buddhist universe, it can be a painting on a wall or on a scroll, it can even be made on the ground out of sand. According to Buddhist scriptures and writing, the Mandela which are created from sand give positive energy to the people and environment around it. The Mandela was introduced by the Buddha, there are many different designs each teaches a different lesson. When monks begin the make a Mandela there is an opening ceremony where the monks chant. The monks begin building the Mandela from the inside out. The Mandela takes any were from 5- 10 weeks to create. Once it is created it is destroyed nearly right away. The fact that it is destroyed is another way for Buddhist to understand the impermanence of life. Once the Mandala is destroyed the sand is poured into flowing water to share the energy of the sand with the world.

The Mandala is important because it not only helps to show the impermanence of life. It also is a visual representation of the Buddhist universe. This is important because if a Buddhist doesn’t understand the universe one can look at the picture and have an idea of what their universe looks like

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Wheel of Life

The wheel of life is the Bhavachakra, or how Buddhists view the universe. It is a very complex picture. To the Buddhist, living is a cycle of life death suffering and rebirth. The wheel of life is a wheel with six parts in which the soul will be reborn, the wheel is held by a demon.

The wheel of life is a key concept in buddhism because it helps you to see where you might be reincarnated. It is a visual representation of what will or might happen after you die. It is a representation of Sansara so a buddhist can see the cycle.


Karma exists in most eastern religions, although it has different meanings in each religion. Karma is the past actions that affect us positively or negatively in the future. For a Buddhist karma goes beyond the life one is in. even enlightened ones are not except. One example given by the Buddha is that his cousin tried to kill him with a boulder but the rock only hurt the Buddha’s foot. The Buddha said the was karma for trying to kill his step brother in a past life. Karma can also have and affect on where a person will be placed in their next life. The Buddha said that every action shapes the future life, both positively and negatively. Karma is important in Buddhism because it helps the individual to understand why things happen.  It also helps a buddhist to chose their actions. For example a bad person will have bad karma and a good person will have good karma. It helps Buddhist to chose the best path, even though they have no control over karma.

The Four Noble Truths

The four noble truths are in all of the things that the Buddha teaches. They were the four principles that the Buddha came to realize while under the meditation tree.

1.   Life is suffering
2.   You cause your own suffering
3.   Only you can end your own suffering
4.   You can find enlightenment by following the 8 fold path

The four noble truths are important in buddhism because they are part of the instructions on how to reach enlightenment.  The two most important of the noble truths in that you control your own suffering and that you can end it. This shows that even though one may be suffering a lot there is always a way out.  

Buddhism an Overview

The story of the Buddhism is of one mans journey to enlightenment, as well as the teachings and ways of learning that developed from it. Buddha translates to awake or to awaken. Siddhartha Gautama was born into a royal family in present day Nepal. Because he was born into a royal family he didn’t have to deal with suffering dieses and death. When Siddhartha was a grown man with a child he decided to go out side of his royal palace, out side the palace or enclosure he saw and old man a sick man and dead man. These things disturbed Siddhartha greatly. He found out that old age and death were inevitable; it was fate.
Siddhartha had also seen a holy man, a monk, he thought that this was a sign for him. So he left his life of luxury and became a Samana. Siddhartha studied religious men learned more of the worlds suffering, but he didn’t get any closer to enlightenment. After this failed He sought the path of extreme self denial. Although that had failed too. Siddhartha gave up on being a Samana, but instead of going home to his life oh riches and luxury. Siddhartha chose the middle way; it’s exactly what it sounds like. He chose to have what he needed to live but not in excess, it’s not luxury and yet its not poverty. One day while Siddhartha meditating under a Bodhi tree he found enlightenment. Siddhartha then decided to teach people about what he knew about enlightenment and how to achieve it. The Buddha set in motion the wheel of teaching. He focused on not worshiping one god or the gods but the importance of teaching and dharma. During the Buddha’s life time he had many disciples, most reached enlightenment through his teachings. 


I will now talk about buddhism

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pilgrim Sites

Pilgrim sites.
Varanasi – this maybe be considered one of the most famous pilgrim sites. It is situated on the banks of the Ganges around 450 miles south of Delhi. The city may be one of the oldest cities in the world. It is referred to in some ancient texts as “the foremost city of Shiva” one of its most famous buildings a golden temple dedicated to Visvanatha (Shiva) was destroyed, and then rebuilt while under Muslim rule.
Kanyakumari – this is one of the most important holy sites. It is  on the southern most tip of india. The main temple at this holy site is dedicated to the eternal consort of Shiva, Parvati. Many pilgrims come to bathe at this site were the Arabian ocean and the Indian ocean meet. There are seven colors of sand on the beach. The seven colors got there when seven different color of rice were thrown in the air in celebration of lord Shiva marrying the goddess.

Bahgavad Gita

The Bahgavad gita is an ancient Hindu scripture detailing the battle between to armies and words spoken between Krisha and Arjuna. There are 45000+ versus in the Bahgavad gita, gurus have to memorize all of these versus. The purpose to the Bahgavad gita is to explain the purpose of life and how to achieve it. It also details why we suffer. The Bahgavad gita explores nearly all of the major concepts in Hinduism.


Saraswati is the Hindu god of knowledge music and art. Saraswati first appears in the rid veda. Although saraswati is considered the consort of Brahma, she is also worshiped separately as a deity. Saraswati can bestow wisdom upon Hindus and can drive our ignorance. Even in recent times Hindu students pray to Saraswati the night before and exam.


Atman means eternal self or soul. The atman means the real self not the ego. Some Hindus refer to it as the soul or spirit, it lies underneath ones existence. There are many different views on atman in Hinduism some believe that it is a servant of god, others identify atman as god. Many define the atman as a spiritual self rather than material that is why some Hindus get rid of all material possessions.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Varsha Pratipada

Varsha Pratipada is the spring new year for Hindus, it means birth of the year. This celebration is not very popular and is even less popular in the UK. The first day is Chaitra it is the first month of the Hindu lunar calendar. It is a promising day, symbolizing renewal. This day is a good day to start new ventures. 

Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated in comemeration for the mokey god Hanuman Ji, he is the sybol for strengh and energy. Hunaman us celebrated for his unshakable devotion to Rama, he is worshiped and remebered for his selfless dedication to god. In an acient hindu text Hanuman said I am a humble messenger of Sri Rama. I have come here to serve Rama, to do His work. By the command of Lord Rama, I have come here. I am fearless by the Grace of Lord Rama. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it if it comes while serving Lord Rama.” Because of Hanuman’s love the lord Rama gave Hanuman everlasting life, and promised that he would be worshiped next to Rama. This is a popular festival it can be celebrated alone or in a temple. During the festival the Hanuman Chalisa, a sacred text is recited either for twenty four hours straight or for a certain amount of times depending on the devotee. Some Hindus celebrate in different ways such as fire ceremonies. Colorful processions fill the streets and some people wear masks and tails to imitate the monkey god. The celebration is always followed with a period of fasting and a vegetarian feast afterwards.


Brahma is the first of the three main hindu gods, he is the god of creation. Brahma is the creator he is the one who created all the animals all living and non-living. Brahma is the least worshiped god of the three. In all of india there are only two temples that are devoted to him. Brahma has four heads, many hindus beleive the four heads came from the four vedas, the most acient hindu texts. Some believe that the caste system came from different parts of brahma’s body.  Brahma has four arms and is usually shown with a beard. On view on why Brahma is not worshiped as much is that his role is as the creator, since there is no more creating to do it is left to vishnu to preserve the world and Shiva to continue its course or reincarnation. 


The three main gods in Hinduism are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is the god of creation, Vishnu is the preserver or protector of the universe, and Shiva is the destroyer. Vishnu’s role is to return to earth during hard or troubled times to restore balance to the world. Vishnu worshipers are usually called Vaishnava, the Vainishava don’t think as highly of Brahma and Shiva. Vaishnava only worship Vishnu. In many hindu texts Vishnu is mentioned along side the gods of light and of the sun. He is often depicted as having blue skin and four arms in his hands he carries something that represents what he is responsible for.

1.    The charka (discuss): this symbolizes the mind.

2.    The conch: The sound the conch creates is the primeval sound of creation, the “Om.”

3.    The lotus flower: the lotus flower represents liberation.

4.    The mace: this represents physical and mental strength.

Vishnu as apperaned in many incarnations on earth, to be exact he ahs appeared nine times. One of which is Matsya a fish. Matsya has been compared to Noah.


Dharma refers to the force or power which up hold the universe and society. Dharma is the power which makes the grass grow, gives people morals, it give us the chance to be virtuous. each person can act virtuously but acting virtuously does not mean the same thing for every one. this is called sva-dharma. acting virtuously means something different for an adult than it does for child. Most hindus believe that Dharma was generally revealed in the Vedas.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Main Hindu concept #1

The Gurus

In Hinduism gurus are highly respected and are in one of the higher casts. In the simplest term a guru is teacher who teaches through examples and pass on their wisdom. When a guru dies his disciples or students will take the gurus place sometimes there is more than one student meaning that when the guru dies both students will become gurus. When a Hindu has a question about his life or the meaning of something he will go to the guru and ask for help and advice. Because gurus have to know all of the text in Hinduism they will refer the person to a text or story “to solve this problem we must look at the Bhagavad gita, it says…” The gurus have to memorize the Bhagavad gita, and its 45000 versus. Hinduism is also strongly base on oral tradition meaning that the gurus not only have to know the Bhagadva gita but they also have to know all of the stories of Hinduism and the gods.